Sunday, February 19, 2012

55 Fiction:(Skilled) Labour

Raju gave alms to the young man at the bus stop every morning as he boarded to work. He was extremely satisfied with his magnanimous gesture. One day, he saw Suresh talking to the young man. Suresh had enrolled this young man for a vocational course that would train him to become a skilled electrician.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"


Muddy said...

The young man became a big electrician and setup a PC business of his own. As a result Raju's typewriter company went out of business and he sits at the bus-stand now. Suresh was recently seen giving alms to Raju...

BTW, what is 55 fiction madam?

Deepak Karthik said...

Awesome !
i loved the message

CYNOSURE said...

good one... :)

Divya said...

Vikas - 55 Fiction is writing a figment of fiction in 55 words

You turned it cinematic ;-) The day when we don't see the person next to us as a competitor and see him/her as a human, i guess the world will be a better place to be :-)

Deepak/Cynosure - Thank you :)

Akshay Kumar G said...

Beautiful message. :)

vinay said...

Nice message...

Muddy said...

thanks Divya. fiction in 55 words? why 55? why not 54 or 56? What's great about 55?

BTW, you left your quote incomplete.

The day when we don't see the person next to us as a competitor and see him/her as a human, i guess the world will be a better place to be for that person

Divya said...

Akshay/Vinay - Thanks!

Vikas - You love to get to the depth. Don't you?

Divya said...

Vikas - And yeah, i don't know the history behind the 55 Fiction. In fact i was thinking why not write a 100 word fiction y'day. Let me know if you come across the significance!

Bhagyashree said...

Good message Divya. 55ers are very difficult, to convey a msg in just 55 words is tough.
I personally like 100 words, in that u can have msg as well as depth

Della said...

good moral of the story! i liked it! and good blog :)

Saru Singhal said...

True, teach him how to feed his own mouth and of many more. Great work!

Manreet Sodhi Someshwar said...


Divya said...

@ Bhagyashree - yeah tough but challenging :)

@ Della/Saru/Manreet - Thank you :)

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-Good piece of information.

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